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  • Writer's pictureMary Cameron

Reno Supports Laws to Stop Illicit Massage Parlors in Nevada

RENO, NEV. (AP) — Restrictions aimed at stopping the spread of illicit massage parlors in Nevada have gained support by city officials amid concerns about sex, human and labor trafficking in the industry.

The proposed regulations would require massage parlor operators to pass criminal background checks, ban 24-hour parlors and prohibit the use of one-way mirrors, cameras and showers in therapy rooms, the Reno Gazette-Journal reported.

Individual massage therapists are already required to pass criminal background checks, but regulations would subject business owners to the same standard, city officials said.

Reno City Council initially approved the proposed regulations Wednesday after dozens of new massage parlors recently opened in the city.

The number of massage parlors suspected of engaging in illicit activity has grown from four to 26 in recent years, Nevada Massage Therapy Board Executive Director Sandy Anderson said.

Restrictions initially included an 18-month grace period for existing massage parlors to come into compliance with the new laws, but some lawmakers disagreed, 인천출장안마 officials said.

“I am concerned that gives people 18 months to do bad things,” Councilman Devon Reese said, adding that the Council instead agreed to give business owners a six-month grace period.

The regulations must be approved again at a future meeting before they become law, city officials said.

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